Elderly Care Centre


Aiming to address the increasing issue of housing elderly citizens with progressive dementia, the scheme focussed on creating a high quality environment promoting activity and comfort. Sensory stimuli were proposed throughout to denote changes in level and types of space to guide residents as they progressed through the building, with a plateau garden providing a key social, community and activity space.

Through research, the core principles of person-centred care and continuous movement were identified as core drivers for the development of the spaces within the scheme. These drivers were then explored within the urban block through a series of key developments.
Spaces are arranged hierarchically throughout the building, with community space taking precedence on the ground floor and residential spaces being located on the upper levels.
Each residential space was designed to enable cohabitation where possible, to provide additional support to the primary resident by reducing separation anxiety. A series of indicative thresholds were also implemented to allow for ease of identification as the illness progressed. 

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